“How do you know which
key to press?”
My 10 year old nephew, standing next to my chair while I was
immersed in my work, asked me looking all amused and puzzled at the same time.
I was equally puzzled by his question. When I realized what
he was really pointing at, I was amused too.
My computer’s keyboard is missing some of the letters, and I
never realized that. He was pointing at them and asking me how I’m able to read
the letters if I can’t see them.
A paused moment…
And I suddenly replied, “I’m
used to it.”
“Huh?” He couldn’t
understand how that used-to-it thing
really works. His mom called. He acted like he understood and went to her,
still having that puzzled look on his face.
The moment I answered, it threw me into the whirlwind of
thoughts. I kept thinking how I never realized this fact yet could complete my
tasks. We are so used to so many things in our day-to-day life that we don’t
realize that some of them are aging, or their existence is vanishing with time.
They are the part of routine and that’s why we become ignorant about them. We get used to them.
There are many things which we are used to. We don’t
appreciate their presence and importance. When the time comes, we just replace
them. Just like that!!
But when I thought more, I came to realize that those lost
letters have become a part of my fingers, a part of my memories. They are not
really lost. I can now type without
looking at each and every letter on keyboard and that has increased my typing
speed. (Increased typing speed is a blessing for any writer, trust me. Whenever
words are flooding your mind, you ought to give each word a chance to get
typed. Then only you can step forward.) That’s how much they have become a part
of my life.
Sometimes, we don’t value some things. May be because they
are easily replaceable, may be they look negligible, or may be because we just
get used to it.
That incident was small, more like negligible. But that made me realize again that we should appreciate
small things even though they look not
so important at first. His innocent question woke me up from my typical
mundane robotic routine life, and made me more attentive to things around me.
Well, this is my story. How about you?
Do you have any day-to-day, small thing which you are so used
to but almost have forgotten that it exists?
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