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What Are You?

A person is like a photograph. When we alter that photo with some photographic effects, the perception of looking at that photo changes though it’s the same photograph. Every photo contains same basic colors. We intensify some of the colors from some of the points, we get a different look. We take it in a black and white form, we can’t see the colors of the picture. Take it in colorful form, barely can see the simplicity. Then what makes the difference? Lights, camera, mood, situation, angles, depth, focus, colors, photographer’s view point, viewer’s point of view and so on…

A person is like a dish. It’s made up of various ingredients and sometimes, forms a totally different taste. Every dish, too, has some same basic ingredients. With these same ingredients, number of dishes could be made. So if every dish is made up of some same ingredients, why it tastes different? The way of making it, cooking style, process, sequence of adding ingredients, time, temperature, heat, presentation, quality and quantity of ingredients, a cook, a person who is going to taste it and many more…

Likewise, every person has the existence of almost every trait. Personality traits form and develop the feelings, emotions, sentiments, preferences, approaches and attitudes. If every person has a possession of almost every trait, why people are different with their feelings and attitudes? Why only some of the traits are shown up? Why some people are emotional and some are rational? Why a person cannot feel the same way as the other? Why a person can see the things that other people don’t? What makes people different from each other? Why people sometimes sound exactly the same? Why everybody’s unique in one’s own way? Every person is born with a set of characteristics. Then what makes them different? May be people around him/her, pregnancy conditions one’s mother had, material things around, family background, problems one faces, situations one gets caught in, moments one has, time, understanding, perceptions… Number of answers, number of possibilities.

It’s a thinking that traits are hereditary. They flow through the bloodline as inheritance. But we cannot claim that this is an absolute truth. Traits are not diseases or genes that could be passed on through the blood or over the genes. Nobody is like anybody else. Everybody is one’s own self. Traits developed in a person are taught and/or developed by the other persons and situations. That’s why children are called after their parents or grandparents or sometimes relatives- ‘she’s like her father, he’s like his uncle’.

Every person is judged and further named after his/her majority trait. For example, angry, greedy, kind, lovely, grudgeful, optimistic, pessimistic etc. This does not mean an angry person is always angry with everything and cannot be lovable or kind; or a lovely person always behaves in lovable manner and is never be greedy or hateful. Every person possesses all the traits (makes a person look similar) but with differentiating intensities (makes oneself different from others). Of course, exceptions are everywhere, so are here.

Sometimes kids show some different traits that nobody in their families or people around have. It’s like melted cheese in a food item. Though we can’t see it or visually can’t prove its presence, we are still able to taste or smell the same. We can’t deny its presence even though it is barely visible. Or, it’s like a shadow unknowingly caught in the picture. Because we have unintentionally clicked it, we can’t say it wasn’t there. As we are unable to see what the shadow is of, we can’t disclaim the actual presence of that thing not caught in the picture. It’s also true that one cannot tell for sure the quantity of melted cheese or what that shadow in picture is exactly of. Sometimes people try to impose some traits on their kids which the kids absolutely have no chances of having such. Sometimes people just see what they want to see.

Some traits are hidden, just like the melted cheese. We don’t see them at instance. We just have to do is to taste when the time comes. Some traits are complex, like the shadow in the picture. Nobody knows where it came from, how and why it’s there. They merely show up, eventually. It doesn’t matter which traits we have. Traits don’t make us weak or strong. Our conscience does. (Of course, conscience is also a trait itself!)

Nobody needs to feel common neither needs to feel superior. Everybody is similar (not identical) and everybody is different. Everybody’s ordinary and everybody’s special. It’s just a matter of perception.

What are you? Coin is flipping……….



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